2021 August American actor David Dastmalchian is the cover star of the new issue of AUGUSTMAN Magazine and he is featured in the editorial wearing Scylt shirt
2021 July s c y l t × wegenk exclusive ready-to- wear band-collar shirts (retail shop at Daikanyama)
代官山のセレクトショップ wegenk 別注バンドカラーシャツ
- ワイドストライプ
- シルクウール
- 100/2 コットン
- タイダイ×100/2コットン
2021 June s c y l t exhibited the popup event at yoyogiuehara.
2021 March “Imagine dragons” , vocal Dan Reynolds wears Scylt bomber jacket for the album packaging shoot for their new single, “Follow You”.
2021 March “Imagine dragons” , guitar Wayne Sermon wears Scylt bomber jacket for the album packaging shoot for their new single, “Follow You”.
2021 May s c y l t × wegenk exclusive ready-to- wear band-collar shirts (retail shop at Daikanyama)
代官山のセレクトショップ wegenk 別注バンドカラーシャツ

西脇産 コットンストライプ

Canclini ギンガムチェック

西脇産 ワイドストライプ
2021 February Actor, Will Catlett wears Scylt silk robe shirt and pants in Sbjct Journal Magazine’s “Create Create Create” story and interview.
2021 January British actor and next-generation star, Regè-Jean Page wore the double breasted cotton & linen shirt, for a press photo-shoot, and the photos got picked up by Variety Magazine and WWD.
2020 August Bleached * Sashiko hand stiched denim shirt on the EC site of Japanese fashion magazine “LEON”. now on sale!!

買えるLEON サイト頁よりスクリーンショット
2020 June Exclusive French linen shirts by DF Tokyo shop
2020 May Paola nunez (Hollywood actress) wearing s c y l t “Splash painted silk taffeta” in Max magazine
2020 April Exclusive white shirts(with pearl studs) by DF Tokyo shop
2020 March Griffingluck wearing “80/1 lawn ×washed leather torso shirt” at the premiere of the new film. styling by Lisette Mora
2020 Feb. Brett Gray wearing “BIg tuxedo pleats shirt” on the red carpet of Netflix show. styling by Kierra B
2020 Feb. 2020 collection shooting
2020 Jan. TRANOI Man/Woman exhibition at Paris
2019 Nov. Singer, Rapper and Author “AK The Savior” wears s c y l t 2 looks in “Notion Magazine” and his Instagram ” https://www.instagram.com/akthesavior/ ”
This shirt is “Splash painted silk taffeta” from 20ss new collection. styling by Talia Bella
this shirt is BK mesh pleated shirt from 2018 collection
2019 Dec. In the latest “XiXO magazine” , The model Scott Camaran is wearing “Canvas Safari Big Tab Shirt “. styling by Cat wright
2019 Nov. Kenny Leu : the actor (starred “Midway” (2019) wearing scylt classic cutaway collar shirt in ” Miami living magazine” and Kenny leu’s instagram. styling by Tara Aquilina
2019 Nov. Tatoo embroidery shirt styling from archives collection by Erica Mer (fashion director) in LA. styling Erica Mer
2019 October Theo and Sasha wearing s c y l t ‘s 80/1 lawn shirt in「 Flaunt magazine」.styling by BJ Panda Bear

Theo and Sasha
2019 October LINTON tweed maker Official instagram repost

LINTON instagram
2019 July USA Actor James Tupper wearing scylt on「1883 Magazine」. styling by Devon Nuszer
2019 June Rapper YBNCordae wearing “canvas× Bk line half sleeves shirt”
2019 May 米国 ロサンゼルス・フィルハーモニー交響楽団 指揮者・作曲家:Gustavo Dudamel雑誌「Flaunt」スタイリングにて着用
2019 April 米国 俳優 Brandon P Bell スタイリング 30th GLAAD award に ”chain embroidery”シャツ 着用
2019 May 米国ラッパー Big sean スタイリングに ”studs”シャツ 着用
2019 May 英国ファッション雑誌&サイト 「Boys by Girls」にて、ハリウッド俳優 Avan Jogia のスタイリングに ”studs” シャツ 掲載
2019 Feb LA のショールームプレス No Such Agency と契約
2019 Feb DF(Double-Faced) TOKYO 代官山 セレクトショップにて
2019 Jan Liberty Fairs New York 展示会出展
2018 Sep 俳優 大貫勇輔さんにscylt着用頂きました (instagramより)
2018 July TRANOI PARIS 展示会出展
2018 April IFF / MAGIC 展示会出展
2016 Sep 日経MJ 2016/8/15 号 ファッションページにクリエーター特集記事として、掲載頂きました。